Bug: Sticky keys since workspaces client update


I've been having this problem since two (I think?) workspaces client versions ago. I am currently using My host computer is a Mac, the workspace OS is ubuntu. In ubuntu, I use alt + ` to switch between windows of the same application. The problem arises where immediately after I switch windows, the next key I type is combined with a backtick (`). So if I switch windows within my ide, I'm inadvertently typing à or ì or ò, etc. and it's really annoying and obstructive to my work. I didn't used to have this problem so I'm quite sure the issue lies with the workspaces client.

asked 2 days ago30 views
1 Answer

Thank you for describing the issue you're experiencing with the Amazon WorkSpaces client. While I don't have specific information about this exact bug in the Ubuntu WorkSpace with a Mac host, the problem you're describing does sound like it could be related to key mapping or keyboard input handling in the WorkSpaces client.

WorkSpaces clients are regularly updated to fix bugs and improve functionality. In past updates, there have been fixes for issues related to keyboard inputs, including problems with special keys and key combinations. For example, in some Windows client updates, there were fixes for issues with the Alt key getting continuously pressed and Num Lock state inversion.

For Mac clients specifically, there have been updates addressing issues with keyboard support, including fixes for problems with the Caps lock key becoming stuck and support for specific keyboard layouts.

Given that this issue started after a client update, it's possible that a recent change has inadvertently caused this key sticking problem. Unfortunately, I don't have information about a specific fix for this issue in the current versions.

To address this, I would recommend the following steps:

  1. Ensure you're running the latest version of the WorkSpaces client for macOS.
  2. In the meantime, you might want to experiment with different key combinations for window switching to see if you can find a workaround that doesn't trigger the bug.

I have also taken a note of your current configuration and if this is in fact found to be a valid bug, I'll ensure to forward it to the correct teams in order to make sure this is addressed in the upcoming releases of the Workspaces client.

AWS regularly updates their clients based on user feedback, so reporting this issue can help them address it in a future update.
WorkSpaces macOS client application - Amazon WorkSpaces
WorkSpaces Windows client application - Amazon WorkSpaces

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answered 2 days ago
revised 2 days ago
revised 2 days ago

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