need help with workspaces


Thank you in advance!

I have a workspace and a worker who logs in every day.

I need to retain the workspace but remove access from the worker. The only option I see is to delete the instance, however I have saved work on the instance and configurations I dont want to delete and have to re-do

I dont see a way to change/remove user or change password. So not sure how to accomplish removing the user without deleting the workstation ??

asked 3 years ago395 views
2 Answers

Hey alwayslearning123

Unfortunately, you cannot retain your Workspace because before removing a user from a WorkSpace, you must delete the WorkSpace assigned to that user first.[1]

But you can create a new WorkSpace instance and still keep your old data.Amazon WorkSpaces regularly takes snapshots of both root and user volumes when your WorkSpaces are healthy[2]. You can use these snapshots to recreate your new WorkSpace.[2]

Please also note that deleting a WorkSpace is a permanent action and cannot be undone. The WorkSpace user's data does not persist and is destroyed. If you need further help with backing up user data, contact AWS Support.

I hope this answers your question.




answered 3 years ago


answered 3 years ago

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