ECS and Autoscaling groups


Good morning folks,

I created in Amazon ECS one cluster with autoscaling group with min capacity 1 and max capacity 5. Then, I modified in EC2 the desidered capacity from 0 to 1. With this operation, I can see one EC2 instance running (that's good). What I aspect now but it doesn't happen is to see the running instance under Enter image description here ECS-Infrastructure-Container instances. It is always 0 but should be 1 because ALB has one running instance.

Enter image description here

Can you help me?

Thanks in advance, Rocco

1 Answer

Is the container task activated in this state?

You can see the ECS agent logs in EC2 as shown in the following document, so please check for errors, etc.

Other than that, the new ECS console is simply too slow, so it is a good idea to try changing the display to the old console and see if EC2 is registered.

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answered 2 years ago

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