How to remove email from SES global suppression list?


I have an email that's in the Global SES Suppression List. How can I request removal? I read in the documentation that this isn't possible anymore, that we need to enable the account-level suppression list. Is this really the case? If so, I'm worried that starting a new suppression list (which would be empty) will generate a very high number of bounces for our account (we send millions of emails per month, so it could be a problem).

Thoughts on what's the best way to proceed?

asked 7 months ago270 views
2 Answers


As per the documentation,

The global suppression list email address removal request form is no longer in the Amazon SES console because the account-level suppression list has superseded it.

You can enable the account-level suppression list and you can add the addresses in bulk that you know are problematic and to manage bounces and complaints, set up notifications and monitor them. This allows you to update the suppression list.


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answered 7 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 7 months ago

That's a lot of work (for something that used to be so simple).

Is there some way to enable the account-level suppression list, but have it starting with the same emails that are in the global suppression list? Start with a strong base, instead of shooting in the dark.

answered 7 months ago

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