Migrate SES users to the IAM Identity center


Hello, We are in the process of migrating our users from IAM to the IAM Identity Center, integrating them with AAD. However, we have some concerns about the SMTP users we created for AWS SES. We would like to know if there is a way to transfer these users to the IAM Identity Center. Any suggestions or guidance would be appreciated.

1 Answer

When migrating users from IAM to the IAM Identity Center and integrating them with Azure Active Directory (AAD), it's important to consider the impact on your SMTP users created for AWS SES (Simple Email Service). While there isn't a direct way to transfer these SMTP users to the IAM Identity Center, you can explore the following option:

Use AWS SSO (Single Sign-On): Consider leveraging AWS SSO as part of your migration process. AWS SSO simplifies user management by centrally managing access to multiple AWS accounts. With AWS SSO, you can configure AAD as the identity source and map users and groups to roles in AWS accounts. While AWS SSO is primarily designed for IAM users, you can explore if it offers any integration or compatibility with SMTP users. Note that this may require additional configuration and verification.

answered a year ago

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