DNS TXT record not propagating


Hi there,
I added a TXT and SPF record to a existing domain we have as a hosted zone in Route 53, it has been over 48 hours and the record is still not visible on the internet.
I've checked this on MXToolbox.com and by looking up against google DNS
The TTL is 3600, but it's a new record so this shouldn't matter?
To add the record i simply used the "Create Record Set" selected TXT as type, added the details then went "Save Record Set"
Why has it not replicated yet?
Thank you

asked 5 years ago4902 views
6 Answers


This typically happens when you have two or more hosted zones that have the same name, and the hosted zone that you updated is not the hosted zone that the domain registration is configured to use. Here's how you check:

  1. Get the names of the name servers your domain registration is using. See "Adding or Changing Name Servers or Glue Records" in the Route 53 Developer Guide:


  1. Determine whether the name servers that you got in step 1 are the same as the name servers for the hosted zone that you added the record to. See "Getting the Name Servers for a Public Hosted Zone":


My guess is that they don't match, and that you added the TXT and SPF records to the wrong hosted zone. Rather than update the domain registration to use the name servers in the hosted zone that you updated, I recommend that you add the TXT and SPF records to the hosted zone that your domain registration is using. This is because adding records to a hosted zone takes effect almost immediately. Changing the name servers for a domain registration can take up to two days to take effect. For an explanation of why, see "How Amazon Route 53 Routes Traffic for Your Domain":



answered 5 years ago

Hi Scott,
Thanks for replying, so the DNS servers listed in the hosted zone are:
The DNS NS servers listed on nslookup the public web are:
nameserver = ns-248.awsdns-31.com
nameserver = ns-656.awsdns-18.net
nameserver = ns-1490.awsdns-58.org
nameserver = ns-1809.awsdns-34.co.uk
To me they look correct?
Still not propagated today?
Thank you

answered 5 years ago


Another possibility is that you changed the name servers in the NS record to match the name servers in the domain registration. The name servers should instead match the name servers that Route 53 assigned to the hosted zone. Here's what to check:

  1. Get the names of the name servers your domain registration is using. See "Adding or Changing Name Servers or Glue Records" in the Route 53 Developer Guide:


  1. Display the settings for the NS record in the hosted zone, and compare those name servers with the name servers that you got in step 1. If they don't match, change the name servers in the NS record.

If you include the domain name in your reply, I can check the settings.


answered 5 years ago

Thank you for your answer, it came in handy when I encountered the same problem. Once I changed/glued the Nameservers, the propagation process took less than a minute.

answered 4 years ago

In my case, I was using @ on the left hand side.

like @mydomain.com

When I changed this to be empty, then the TXT record propogated OK.

like mydomain.dom

answered 3 years ago

My problem was that I used LightSail. Therefore the DNS changes in Route53 didn't propagate. I needed to change the LightSail DNS records.

answered 2 years ago

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