Lost RDP access after EC2 instance type change


We have an EC2 Windows instance that lost RDP access after changing the instance type. I know the external IP of the instance changed, but we can't connect via RDP anymore like we used to. I checked the security groups and those settings remain intact, so it's not IP whitelist issue. What else can we do? Just an fyi, we changed from t3.medium to a t2.medium, then now back to t3.medium again, but still can't get RDP to connect again.

asked a year ago1138 views
3 Answers

You’ve most likely changed from one family to another. Each family may have a different network adapter. You’ll have to revert this back and review the documentation before retrying.

It may be a case of installing the correct network drivers before retrying.


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answered a year ago
  • I've changed the instance type back to what it was before, but still no dice. Just an fyi, I changed from t3.medium to a t2.medium, then now back to t3.medium again.


Please check this similar issue from a user some months ago: NLA error after updating instance type. After an instance change the ENI associated to that instance can be lost so you Network Layer Authentication will fail.

Check also the troubleshoot connect windows instance guide. Specially the section: Troubleshooting Remote Desktop issues using AWS Systems Manager, that shows you how to use AWS system manager to help you solve connections issues with your Windows instances.

If you still need help you can post here the error message that your are getting so we can understand better what is the issue.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

If there are no problems around the network, it is possible that the RDP service is not running properly.
Please refer to the following document to check if the RDP service is running on EC2.

Also check this document for other troubleshooting tips just in case.

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answered a year ago

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