Need ideas on how to restore network connectivity to RHEL 8.8 EC2 instance in AWS SC2S environment


Need ideas on how to restore network connectivity to RHEL 8.8 EC2 instance in AWS SC2S environment. So some of the standard AWS tools might not be available. It has RHEL Satellite server installed and loads of data so we would like to preserve it and fix if possible. Security groups have been checked and not holding connectivity back. Connectivity checks from instance status checks fail. Unfortunately we do not have a AMI backup for before when this issue came about.

I've stopped the instance, detached the boot volume and attached it to a temp RHEL 8.8 EC2 instance. Then mounted it to /mnt. Examined the logs and have found in /var/log/messages that cloud-init shows that eth0 as being false for the Up column. Looked at the dnf rpm log and found that multiple NetworkManager packages were erased/removed... -1, tui, cloud setup, team, libm. Not sure how or why this happened but from what I understand, NetworkManager is needed to setup network connectivity. At this point I'm thinking I need to figure out how to get these installed packages back on there. The only thing I can think of is to copy the packages onto the mounted volume and find a way to get RHEL to run the script during bootup to install them since we do not get console access and no network connectivity. I tried EC2Rescue for Linux with ./ec2rl run --remediate but that did not resolve the issues. I didn't think it would as I'm sure the packages need to be put on the volume and somehow installed. Any ideas would be appreciated! Thanks!

asked 6 months ago605 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

I need to figure out how to get these installed packages back on there

While the problem root disk is mounted on the rescue instance at /mnt, run chroot /mnt dnf install -y [packages]

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answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
  • Thanks! I'm going to try this out! I didn't even think of using chroot for doing this. Fingers crossed!

  • update! this was definitely the right path I needed to go down.. I had a ton of hurdles to get over with needing to also mount the volume with STIG mounts under the mounted boot volume, manipulating the yum repo configs, restoring the network manager configs, updating eth0 config with new MAC address as I had to do an AMI restore from the AMI backup I took before troubleshooting and beginning to work on resolving all this, etc etc... but all in all after 2-3 days or so, I got Satellite up working perfectly. Super happy thanks again!

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