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AWS Marketplace SaaS Product Integration Testing - Registration edge cases


I am an engineer designing a product integration with AWS Marketplace as a seller. I'm finding some of the documentation around what would pass testing in order for the product to be published a bit vague. It seems testing can take a while, so I'd like to minimize the back and forth during that phase by getting clarity now.

"Tested that you can accept incomplete registrations and multiple registration attempts." quoted from

What does accept incomplete registrations mean? I could see this being fulfilled by the product not falling over. I could see creating a temporary account that later the user can finish registering with the same details. How is this tested and what outcomes are going to be checked?

What does multiple registration attempts mean? Does this mean re-registering after the first attempt was completely successful? Does this mean attempting to register multiple accounts with the same token? How is this tested and what outcomes are going to be checked?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

"Tested that you can accept incomplete registrations and multiple registration attempts" is to make sure that the seller provides a buyer experience (similar to any product signup/sign-in experience) so that a proper message is displayed while buying a SaaS product on the AWS Marketplace. So, seller should display a error message for incomplete registrations and multiple registration attempts.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Thank you for your response. This doesn't help me with most of my questions, however. I've also tried reaching out to the Marketplace team for clarification.

  • Maybe this helps a bit more: Multiple registration attempts means that the customer can keep coming back through the redirect process outlined above multiple times, for the same MP purchase. This needs to be handled gracefully. Either ISVs can detect that the MP customer identifier has already been associated with a SaaS account on their side, or they can support associating multiple SaaS accounts with a single MP customer identifier.

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