no instance is listed when I tried to associate an elastic IP address


I am new to AWS E2. I have allocated an elastic IP address successfully. But when I tried to associate it with a running instance, there is no instance listed on the web console.

I tried searching and reading how elastic IP address works, but did not see anything that is about this issue. (the instance has beenn running well with a public address).

anyone out there can help?

asked a year ago328 views
2 Answers

Always double-check that you are in the correct region :)

answered a year ago
  • thanks for the help. i checked. the instance is in east-1 and elastic ip address is reserved also in east-1 (east-1d). so this is not the root problem.


Sometimes I've seen this sort of behavior because of a browser issue. Can you try a different browser to see if it will populate the drop down.

You could always startup a CloudShell session and run the following command, supplying your specific instance-id and allocation-id:

aws ec2 associate-address --instance-id i-01234567890 --allocation-id eipalloc-9876543
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • thanks for the help. tried different browsers (w/ and w/o private browsing too). it did not resolve the issue.

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