Exceeded 85% of the usage limit


Hi All.

I have been using sagemaker for learning purposes and notice that I received this message today that I have exceeded 85% of the usage limit. Out of 160.0 Hrs for free per month, I have already used 144hrs which seems weird. I neither have any instances or notebook running nor any endpoint. What could be the reason of by hours getting eaten up?

asked 8 months ago241 views
1 Answer

Hi there.

You say you don't have instances running, have you confirmed that your instances are stopped? If they are in the running state they will continue to incur in usage just by being on.

Also note that the Free Tier for SageMaker only covers the first two months and not 12 as with other services. See more details here.

Amazon SageMaker is free to try. As part of the AWS Free Tier, you can get started with Amazon SageMaker for free. Your free tier starts from the first month when you create your first SageMaker resource.

I hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
answered 8 months ago
  • Hi Jose. Thanks for your answer. I figured out what the problem.

    I noticed that my canvas has been running in the background as I didn't logout. Although, I just opened canvas to see what feature it offers with anything untouched without knowing that if I don't logout I'd be charged $1.9/hr which is ridiculous since I absolutely used nothing. And now my bill has risen to $150 for the services I didn't even use.

    I saw in free tier description that canvas offers 160 hours/month for session time. Can I know why am I charged if it's free. Also how can I raise a ticket to strip that charges off my bill? I'd greatly appreciate your help. Thanks!

  • Omar, as noted in my answer, the AWS Free Tier covers SageMaker only for 2 months (including the 160 hours/mo for canvas). Therefore, I think you might have passed the 2 month mark. To contact support, follow the instructions in the contact us page.

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