getting error on running workflow build-and-deployOSS for the blueprint of serverless image handler - CodeCatalyst Blueprint


I created a project using the blueprint of serverless image handler; deployment region set to 'us-east-1' and region for the bucket of cloudformation template 'us-east-1'. On running the 'build-and-deployOSS', I am getting error 'The action configuration is not valid'. imageHandlerBlueprint

Those are the configuration steps defined in that workflow Configuration: Steps: - Run: curl -O - Run: python3 - Run: yum install zip rsync -y - Run: pip install --upgrade pip - Run: pip install --upgrade setuptools - Run: pip install --upgrade virtualenv - Run: export OPS_CO_PATH=pwd - Run: echo $OPS_CO_PATH - Run: cd $OPS_CO_PATH/deployment - Run: echo $OPS_CO_PATH/deployment - Run: if ! aws s3api head-bucket --bucket $IMAGEBUCKET 2>/dev/null; then aws s3 mb s3://$IMAGEBUCKET --region $REGION; fi - Run: if ! aws s3api head-bucket --bucket $TEMPLATE_OUTPUT_BUCKET 2>/dev/null; then aws s3 mb s3://$TEMPLATE_OUTPUT_BUCKET --region $TEMPLATE_REGION; fi - Run: if ! aws s3api head-bucket --bucket $BUCKET_PREFIX-$REGION 2>/dev/null; then aws s3 mb s3://$BUCKET_PREFIX-$REGION --region $REGION; fi - Run: ./ $BUCKET_PREFIX $SOLUTION_NAME $VERSION >buildresults.txt - Run: aws s3 cp $OPS_CO_PATH/deployment/global-s3-assets s3://$TEMPLATE_OUTPUT_BUCKET/$SOLUTION_NAME/$VERSION --recursive --acl bucket-owner-full-control - Run: aws s3 cp $OPS_CO_PATH/deployment/regional-s3-assets s3://$BUCKET_PREFIX-$REGION/$SOLUTION_NAME/$VERSION --recursive --acl bucket-owner-full-control


I noticed that on file there is variable DIST_OUTPUT_BUCKET which is not in the templateParameters.json and also not listed as variables for that build. I tried to update the workflow by defining this variable and setting its value same as of 'TEMPLATE_OUTPUT_BUCKET' for the action 'build-and-deployOSS' (not sure what I did was right or not), and run that workflow again but getting error on that same step. builds3File

Any idea how this error could be fixed?


1 Answer

Hi there, Unfortunately, CodeCatalyst supports only US-West at the moment. Are you able to try with US-West, instead of US-East?

Best, Sundaresh

answered 2 years ago
  • I have CodeCatalyst on us-west-2 region, and I also did a try with us-west-2 which was by default us-east-1 in blueprint of serverless-image-handler for deployment region and the region for the bucket of cloudformation template, but was getting the same error reported above on that step of build.

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