Elastic Beanstalk upgrade major PHP version (e.g. 7.4 > 8.1) without creating new environment


Is there a way to easily upgrade an Elastic Beanstalk environment's major PHP version (e.g. 7.4 > 8.1) from the console without creating a new environment?

Like this, but without doing it from the command line: (this was from a couple years ago) https://dev.to/paulmicheli/upgrade-aws-elastic-beanstalk-php-major-version-5do

This should be such a simple option for AWS to provide - but I'm not seeing a way to do it: Sreenshot showing deprecated

asked 2 years ago1264 views
2 Answers

I just tested the upgrade via CLI on one of my demo environments (going from PHP 7.4) via the command line update.

Opened AWS CloudShell, and pasted in: aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment --solution-stack-name "64bit Amazon Linux 2 v3.5.0 running PHP 8.1" --environment-id "e-XXXXXXX" --region "XX-XXXXXX-1"

Pressed enter, and it took maybe 2 minutes max - went grey in the console, then came back healthy. Had a total of perhaps 30 seconds of downtime for my application (demo). It automatically created the new instance, and once healthy, removed the old instance.

I've spent vastly longer to accomplish the same thing "manually" via creating a new environment in the console, with far more room for error.

Why doesn't AWS have a button / selection in the console that does exactly this?

answered 2 years ago

very simple just follow the instruction in the link below.

check this link :- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/using-features.platform.upgrade.html

***cloud asterisk studio

answered 2 years ago
  • The documentation (that link) involves creating a new environment, and that is anything but "simple". In the past I've created a new environment - but my environment has a lot of environment variables, and to my knowledge these all need to be manually copied and pasted to the new one. At least last time I did it (months ago) while you could save the configuration, it won't let you pick the updated platform version if you try to use the saved configuration - so that's not useable.

    I find it bizarre that AWS doesn't have a better way of doing this - why isn't there a "change environment platform" option in the console, that could automate creating a blue/green deployment with all the same settings?

    I have a number of separate applications to do, and there's just so much room for making a mistake with manually setting up a new environment, copying all the variables, etc.

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