is there any way to implement MFA to WorkMail user's.?


is there any way to implement MFA to WorkMail user's.?

asked 10 months ago447 views
3 Answers

I understand that you want to enable Multi-factor Authentication for AWS WorkMail users and would like to check if there are any ways to implement MFA.

I would like to inform you that unfortunately, MFA is currently not supported by AWS WorkMail service.

There is already a feature requests lodged and our WorkMail team are aware of this limitation. We understand that this is a service limitation and hence is by design.

The internal WorkMail development team is working on this feature request, but currently we don’t have any timelines to share at this point.

I highly encourage you to follow our “What’s New” page [1] and our official AWS News Blog [2] in order to stay informed of new releases and feature updates as they are released to the public.

I do apologize that we cannot meet your requirements and I do understand that this may not be the answer you were looking for but as mentioned the current design does not allow for AWS Workmail MFA / 2FA support.


[1] What's New with AWS:

[2] AWS News Blog:

answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

I waiting for MFA on WorkMail as well. It's a mandatory feature these days.

answered 6 months ago

Our WorkMail service team is actively working on this feature request and will update to all the customers once it's available.

I highly encourage you to follow our “What’s New” page [1] and our official AWS News Blog [2] in order to stay informed of new releases and feature updates as they are released to the public.

[1] What's New with AWS: [2] AWS News Blog:

answered 5 months ago

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