Problem with AWS Elemental MediaLive & Elemental MediaPackage

  • I have configured the OutputGroup of the Medialive channel as HLS.
  • I have pasted the URL of MediaPackage v1 as the Medialive channel destination.
  • I created and immediately applied the IAM Role "MediaLiveAccessRole."
  • CDN Settings: HLS webdav

However, despite this setup, the following errors continue to appear repeatedly in the Medialive Channel's Alerts:

① Set: 2023.10.10 00:55:18 GMT+9 Cleared: - Status: SET Pipeline: 0 Type: Failed to Write to Output Message: OutputDataBackground failed to send file for URL [https://6a0d7aa93e38****], after [3] attempts, error [req

② Set: 2023.10.10 00:55:25 GMT+9 Cleared: - Status: SET Pipeline: 0 Type: Failed to Create Output File or Socket Message: MPEGTS muxer for mediaID [1] unable to open output or stream [https://6a0d7aa93e38****].

③ Set: 2023.10.10 00:52:54 GMT+9 Cleared: - Status: SET Pipeline: 0 Type: Failed to Close or Finalize the Output Message: MPEGTS muxer for mediaID [1] unable to close output or stream.

=============== what am i missing here?

asked a year ago420 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Thanks for your questions. There are several items you should check for proper connection between AWS MediaLive and AWS MediaPackage services.

  • Selecting an HLS Output Group requires you set the URL of the destination. When delivering to MediaPackage, you will also need to include the Username and Password required by the MediaPackage input (See Credential drop down menu). When creating the connection for the first time, you will be asked to create a password reference, which can be used in the future.
  • If the MediaLive Channel Class is a Standard (dual-pipe) then you will need to provide URL, UName and PWord of the secondary input to MediaPackage for the HLS Destination A in MediaLive
  • Confirm that your IAM Role MediaLiveAccessRole contains ability to write to MediaPackage (and S3 if needed)
  • You may want to try setting CDN Setting to Basic Put, if the above does not remove your error

Note: Selecting a MediaPackage Output Group will allow an easier connection to a MediaPackage channel, needing to provide only the reference name for the MP channel. This, will however, obfuscate many of the output settings in MediaLive.

answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Thank you so much. This error was due to a credentials issue. I didn't create parameters before.

    May I ask one more question? I'm curious about the purpose of creating parameters. I'd like to understand how this works and how it's used. If there are any related documents, please feel free to share.

    Thank you again!


Thank you so much. This error was due to a credentials issue. I didn't create parameters before.

May I ask one more question? I'm curious about the purpose of creating parameters. I'd like to understand how this works and how it's used. If there are any related documents, please feel free to share.

Thank you again!

answered a year ago

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