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Amazon Athena SHOW CREATE TABLE is failing


When database contains - in the name, the Show Create Table for the table in that DB is failing.

For example:

For test_table.db1

SHOW CREATE TABLE db1 or SHOW CREATE TABLE test_table.db1 both return FAILED: ParseException line 1:11 missing EOF at '-' near 'test'

asked 2 years ago414 views
1 Answer

You are right that you get this error when the database name specified in the DDL statement contains a hyphen ("-"). AWS Glue allows database names with hyphens. However, underscores (_) are the only special characters that Athena supports in database, table, view, and column names.

To resolve this issue, recreate the database with a name that doesn't contain any special characters other than underscore (_).

Reference -

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answered 2 years ago

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