DNS not propagating after domain transfer between two AWS account


Hi, we recently (1 week ago) moved some domain from an AWS account to a different one via AWS CLI. Everything went smooth and we can see all the domains in the new account but for some reason if we make changes in the "hosted zone" the new records are not propagating.

The weird thing is that they do if we modify the hosted zone in the OLD account, even if the domain is not registered there.

Any ideas? Thanks!

  • Ensure you have updated the domain to point to the recreated hosted zone in the new account.

asked 2 years ago356 views
1 Answer

Hi There

Moving the domain is a separate process from moving the hosted one. If you're using Route 53 as the DNS service for the domain, Route 53 doesn't transfer the hosted zone when you transfer a domain to a different AWS account. Please see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/domain-transfer-between-aws-accounts.html

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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