Automate transfer of snapshots from AWS Backup Vault to S3.


I will like to be able to transfer the snapshots I created using AWS Backup to S3, then setup policy to transfer them to S3 Glacier so to optimise cost. I have setup AWS Backup to backup the RDS DB instance to a Backup Vault. I need a way to automate the transfer of snapshots from the Backup Vault to S3.

I have read this AWS article on how to export DB snapshot to S3: but the snapshots must already been listed under the RDS->Snapshot console. For the snapshots created using the AWS Backup, the snapshots are only listed under Backup->Backup Vaults-> Recovery Points, there is no option to export to S3. Those snapshots under Recovery Points do not appear on the RDS->Snapshot console.

I have also read that the lifecyle for Backup Vault does not apply to RDS snapshots ( Would this feature be available to RDS soon?

Please advice. Thank you.

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asked 10 months ago1041 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


You can explore the solution here at to setup automatix export of RDS snapshot data to S3.

However note that when you export a DB snapshot, Amazon RDS extracts data from the snapshot and stores it in an Amazon S3 bucket. The data is stored in an Apache Parquet format that is compressed and consistent.

It is not the snapshot that gets exported but the data.

Also there is a reason why RDS snapshots are not available to move into deep archive storage as they are increment in nature.

Review the limitations with exporting RDS snapshot data to S3.

answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
  • If I manually create snapshot with lambda and schedule it to run every day/week, and set policy on the S3 bucket to delete snapshot older than 6months. Would I still able to restore snapshots 5 months old or last week? Are the snapshots manually created (not automated) increment in nature?

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