Lightsail GRE (47)


Hi. I need to allow custom protocol GRE (47) to my lightsail instance. Is this possible. If so, how do I achieve this? Thanks


asked a year ago311 views
1 Answer

I believe this can be done by editing the firewall rules as described in this document.
Since GRE is an IP protocol, select ALL in the firewall rule protocol specification.

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answered a year ago
  • Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, I cannot find a way to allow Protocol 47. You can either choose one of TCP or UDP, or allow ALL protocols which effectively opens the entire firewall. I know it's possible on EC2 but can't find a way to do it on LIghtsail

  • The document I shared states the following.

    All is used to allow all protocol traffic to flow into your instance. Specify this protocol when you're unsure which protocol to specify. This includes all internet protocols; not just the ones specified above. For more information, see Protocol Numbers on the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority website.

    I believe that if you configure the settings in this manner, the IP protocol, GRE, will also be allowed.

  • As I mentioned, that solution opens the firewall to all traffic. The 'Restrict to IP Address' solution does not work in my use case which is for many hundreds of devices on non-static IP addresses

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