unwanted charges in AWS under free trial


i have chraged for creating EC2 instance on AWS for any reason but i have created account just one month ago and i have use only free tier eligible instance you can check on images attacheddetail of charges

asked 22 days ago71 views
4 Answers
Accepted Answer

These amounts are running totals in the month-to-date. before Free Tier (and any other credits) are applied. When your bill is calculated at the end of the month and an invoice is generated, your Free Tier entitlements will be applied to arrive at the final total. And if your usage has stayed completely within Free Tier then that total should be zero.

Go to https://console.aws.amazon.com/billing/home#/freetier and it will show what your Free Tier entitlements are, and how much you have used of each so far.

When your bill comes in at the end of the month and you feel you have been billed for something unfairly, your best course of action is to log a billing support case https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/billing-get-answers.html#billing-support

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answered 22 days ago
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reviewed 8 days ago
  • Thanks for sharing, actually i exceed my 750hrs of ec2 and vpc

  • Thanks for sharing, actually i exceed my 750hrs of ec2 and vpc


Maybe you use EC2 instance type which is not covered by free tier or used EC2 more than 750 hours?

750 hours per month of Linux, RHEL, or SLES t2.micro or t3.micro instance dependent on region
750 hours per month of Windows t2.micro or t3.micro instance dependent on region
750 hours per month of public IPv4 address regardless of instance type


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answered 22 days ago
  • Thanks for sharing, actually i exceed my 750hrs of ec2 and vpc


Verify if you have used any additional features or services associated with EC2, such as: Elastic IP addresses EBS snapshots or provisioned IOPS

profile pictureAWS
answered 22 days ago
  • Thanks for sharing, actually i exceed my 750hrs of ec2 and vpc



Looking at the photo you shared, it shows charges for VPC and EC2 - Compute.

1. VPC Charges

If you haven't made any additional changes to the VPC settings beyond what you mentioned, it's highly likely that the charges are due to the usage of Public IPv4.

Charges are not applied to EC2 instances within the Free Tier that use Public IPv4 or associated Elastic IPs. However, charges for Public IPv4 may occur in the following situations:

  • There is an Elastic IP that is not attached to any EC2 instance.
  • Public IPv4 addresses are used for more than one instance.

2. EC2 - Compute Charges

If the instance type is set correctly, charges may be incurred for the following reasons:

  • Charges due to EBS snapshots.

In addition, here is the explanation regarding the Free Tier:

Free tier: In your first year includes 750 hours of t2.micro (or t3.micro in the Regions in which t2.micro is unavailable) instance usage on free tier AMIs per month, 750 hours of public IPv4 address usage per month, 30 GiB of EBS storage, 2 million IOs, 1 GB of snapshots, and 100 GB of bandwidth to the internet.

Lastly, you can move to the Billing and Cost Management service in the AWS Management Console and navigate to the Bills section under Billing and Payments to identify the cause in more detail.

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answered 21 days ago
  • Thanks for sharing, actually i exceed my 750hrs of ec2 and vpc

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