Please support domain registration for .charity domains


Per, I'd like to request the Route 53 support registration of .charity domains. Thanks for considering this request!

asked 2 years ago281 views
1 Answer

The domain .charity does NOT include in the support list (
However, you can register .charity domain in the supported registrar (eg. Godaddy), point your .charity domain from Godaddy to Amazon Route 53 and manage your subdomains in Amazon Route 53.

For quick procedure steps: 1/ Go to Amazon Route 53 Hosted Zone and Create Hosted Zone.
2/ Add your domain name (*.charity) for public hosted zone.
3/ Save to obtain name servers (NS).
4/ Go to your Godaddy Account and Product Manager.
5/ Click on DNS option for the domain you want to point.
6/ Click on Change Nameserver, and “Enter my own Nameserver”.
7/ Copy the nameservers from route 53 to the given fields and Save.
8/ It may take some time but you are ready to use this domain in any of the aws service by creating “A” record in your route 53 hosted zone.

Check here for more references.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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