Create Glue job using downloaded JSON code



Is there any Glue API which can create a Glue job with a downloaded JSON code from Glue Studio editor?

Or can the downloaded code only be used to upload to Glue Studio editor manually?

Thank you.

  • I'm looking for cross-account Glue job migration solution.

    I think the steps is like below.

    1. Creating a Glue job in Glue Studio in account A(job a).

    2. Getting a code of the job a(b). (I thought getting the code by using 'Download' in Glue Studio, but 'get-job' API also can be used; We don't have a Git repository compatible with Git integration in Glue Studio.)

    3. Migrating a job by using the code(b) to account B. <- How to do this other than 'Upload' manually?

asked 14 days ago39 views
1 Answer


We do offer the action to create a Glue Job utilising the Glue API as well as downloading the JSON code from the Glue studio.

These actions require a few steps:

In AWS CLI: Creating the Glue Job: [1]

Downloading the JSON code from the Glue Studio to (e.g. Downloads folder):

  1. Run [2] “aws glue get-job —job-name glue-job-name” to retrieve script location then insert to next command
  2. Run [3] “aws s3 cp s3://script location/ ./Downloads/” These following steps will help you utilise the Glue API in which you can create a Glue job as well as download the JSON code from the Glue Studio Editor from AWS CLI.





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answered 14 days ago
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reviewed 8 days ago

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