Issue with Quick Connect Configuration in Amazon Connect


I have a setup with 10 users, each assigned a default Amazon Connect phone number and a specific workflow. My goal is for these users to communicate directly with each other using Quick Connect, by selecting their name instead of manually dialing the number.

I followed these steps to configure Quick Connect:

Selected "Phone number" as the type of Quick Connect. Entered the country code and the default Amazon Connect number assigned to each user. Configured the queues to list these numbers as options in Quick Connect. However, when I attempt to make a call using this setup, I receive the following message: "The number you have dialed is invalid. Please check the number and try again."

It seems that something is not working correctly with this configuration. Could you please advise if it is possible to set up direct communication between the Amazon Connect-assigned numbers? Is there anything I might be overlooking?

asked a month ago46 views
2 Answers

To fix the issue with Quick Connect in Amazon Connect, ensure that phone numbers are correctly formatted and assigned, check queue configurations, verify user permissions, and review logs for errors.

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answered a month ago

If you call the destination numbers directly via the CCP dialpad does it work?


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answered a month ago

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