ALB SSL Certificate Reimport


I have a certificate expiring soon, and an ALB that is using the certificate. The certificate is imported to ACM. The question is what happens if I reimport a new certificate to the existing ACM certificate? will the old certificate still supported (at least until it expires) when the reimport happens?

For context, the client is hardcoding the certificate.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi Wendy,

To renew an imported certificate, you can obtain a new certificate from your certificate issuer and then manually reimport it into ACM. This action preserves the certificate's association and its Amazon Resource name (ARN). Alternatively, you can import a completely new certificate. Multiple certificates with the same domain name can be imported, but they must be imported one at a time.

If you import the certificate to the same ACM certificate, you won't need to update anything in the ALB console as the ARN and association will remain the same. If you import it as new certificate you would have to update the certificate association of the ALB. The old certificate will be valid until it expires and any resources associated with it will reflect that.

Please let me know if this answers your question, or if I should provide clarification.

Thanks, Israel.

answered a year ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
  • Thanks, I read about that documentation just not sure what will happen to the old client device that still uses the old certificate. This clarifies that the ELB would still accept the old certificate (until it expires) even after we reimport the new one.

    Regards, Wendy.

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