Regarding MQTT client not receiving data from device



we are sending json object comprising of following data.

  1. time
  2. sensor_a0
  3. ecg

Format for json data is [{"time":["2023-6-27-13:15:37","2023-6-27-13:15:37","2023-6-27-13:15:37","2023-6-27-13:15:37","2023-6-27-13:15:37","2023-6-27-13:15:37","2023-6-27-13:15:37","2023-6-27-13:15:37"],"sensor_a0":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7],"ecg":[0,0,0,-65533,-65534,-65535,-131069,-131071]}].

As you can see i am transmitting arrays of time, sensor_a0 and ecg as a single json object over mqtt. This works well up to 5 data samples. but when i tried to send more than 5 data samples to aws, it is not receiving anything. I have tested it by myself. I have checked documentation of aws that says that single object that aws iot core can receive json object having maximum size of 128KB.

  • I have no problem with that payload in the MQTT test client in AWS IoT Core. What client are you using? Please tell us more about how you are publishing the message.

  • Hi @Greg B, I have found the solution. it is having limit set in pubsubclient library. not on AWS side. Thanks

asked a year ago334 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

I have found the solution. it is having limit set in pubsubclient library. not on AWS side. Thanks

answered a year ago

Hi I am using aws iot core mqtt client. I am using esp32 as a device and send data using mqtt protocol. i am able to see output on my consol but when i see this output on aws, i am not getting anything. as i told you, for more than 5 msgs, i wont get anything.

answered a year ago

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