SES over Pinpoint? - Transactional Emails


A customer needs to send transactional emails based on account opening. They also require basic tracking on deliveries, opens, bounces etc. Estimating approx 5 mill emails a month.

Based on quick reading of the doco both SES and Pinpoint would be able to meet this requirement. Pinpoint appears to also support the transactional email use case but has a broader range of features as well. Is there ever a situation in which we should be recommending SES over Pinpoint to a customer?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Amazon SES is the AWS' email service and it is not being phased out. in fact, we are launching SES in new regions (5+ regions in the last 6 months) and adding more features (recently launched VPC endpoint support). We are continuing to invest and grow SES.

To answer this specific question: if the customer is looking to send emails programmatically and build it into an application, our recommendation is to use Amazon SES. If the customer is looking to schedule campaigns and send multi-step orchestration for mass marketing communications, please use Amazon Pinpoint. Though transactional APIs are available on Amazon Pinpoint, it is designed for lightweight multi-channel communication and does not provide features such as dedicated IPs, IP pools, open/click, etc. Additionally, it also does not support suppression management and other common email use cases features.

answered 4 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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