Unexpected IP when call from frontend to backend in the same EC2


I have builded an EC2 that have frontend with VueJs and backend with NodeJs (backend and frontend in one instance)

I have set the inbound security group to accept traffic from, public and private IP of the instance itself.

But the frontend site always can not call API to the backend. I have change the backend IP to call from frontend with:

but still didn't work.

I have re-set the inbound security group to then it works.

From the backend, I print out the request IP and it returned an IP that totally not related to any IP of the instance.

I re-set the inbound security group to that strange IP and it still work.

But when the instance turn off and on again, that strange IP has been changed althought I set Elastic IP for my instance.

How can I call API from my frontend to backend with localhost or it own public or private IP?

Thanks for reading!

asked a month ago153 views
1 Answer


Since the front-end app runs on the browser, I think access to the back-end will be through the client's public IP address.

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answered a month ago
  • Thanks for your answer. But that IP changed everytime I stop and start the instance again. If that is my PC public IP, I think it was stable.

  • Is it possible that the IP address of your ISP has changed?

  • How can I call API from my frontend to backend with localhost or it own public or private IP?

    If you configure the web server to use a proxy when accessing the API endpoint, the backend access will be localhost. For example, when I had an API like "/api/test", I think that if I set a proxy when accessing this URL, it would be accessed using localhost or a private IP of EC2.

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