HTTPS suddenly stopped working (have tried everything!)



I have a Python project deployed using Elastic Beanstalk. Today my site was running fine and was working over HTTPS. It stopped working completely for HTTPS when I tried disabling the listener for port 80 (HTTP). I re-enabled the listening port and rebuilt my environment. Still the site does not work for HTTPS. I have my security groups set up and Classic Load Balance set up to listen to inbound HTTPS traffic on port 443 and route to HTTP port 80. My SSL certicate is also fine. When I 'eb ssh' to the server and run 'sudo netstat -nlp | grep 443' nothing shows up, however it shows up for port 80. Can someone at AWS please help me? My instance id is i-0381e2fb8f8176f21 . Thanks.

Edited by: AlviKabir on May 3, 2020 7:11 PM

Edited by: AlviKabir on May 3, 2020 7:15 PM

asked 5 years ago385 views
1 Answer


Beanstalk support 2 types of HTTPS configuration:

  1. SSL offloading at LoadBalancer:

  2. SSL termination at instance (end-to-end encryption):

Please ensure that you have set up the configuration as mentioned above.

answered 5 years ago

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