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I put "localhost" as hostname in DBeaver instead of the RDS cluster DNS name I put initially and it works for me
answered 2 years ago
You usually get this error when:
- You already have an interface VPC endpoint for the same service in your VPC.
- Your VPC is already associated with a private hosted zone that covers the intended service name. Here is more details: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/vpc-interface-endpoint-domain-conflict/ To troubleshoot : Have you enabled DNS hostname and DNS resolution on your VPC? Also Do you have Inbound HTTPS traffic allowed on your security group rules? Please also make sure you put a correct custom policy for your endpoint ( the policy listed on the documentation is just an example but you'd need a broader policy that allow ec2messages, ssm, ssmmessages). Please update me with the following and I can help more.
answered 2 years ago
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Thank you for your answer, I checked the vpc DNS are set, the SG group are set also,
in my local machine what I should put in dbeaver tool for hostname? the RDS MYSQL cluster endpoint?
I put,1433 as hostname is seems to work, initially I put the cluster endpoint DNS name
Hi Jess, the remote port forwarding forwards the MySQL port to your machine, so you should use "localhost" as your hostname. And whatever local port you've set (I'd recommend 3306 as well)