SES Account Sending Status is Pause


"Last week, our SES account was compromised, resulting in AWS pausing our account. We engaged in correspondence with the support team and took precautionary measures to prevent a recurrence of such incidents. Subsequently, our account was reactivated, but our ability to send emails remains disabled. We attempted the steps outlined without success.

Could someone please provide guidance on how to re-enable our email-sending capabilities, as our account is currently in a paused state?"

asked a year ago348 views
1 Answer


You can try executing this command from AWS CLI

aws ses update-account-sending-enabled --enabled --region <YOUR_REGION>

Also, You can use this operation in conjunction with Amazon CloudWatch alarms to temporarily pause email sending across your Amazon SES account in a given Amazon Web Services Region when reputation metrics (such as your bounce or complaint rates) reach certain thresholds.

More information in these links

answered a year ago

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