EC2 Windows Administrator Get Password Wait Time more than 45 minutes!


I launched 4 win instances from AMI. launch time: 9:11 AM current time: 9:45 AM

EC2 instance -> Connect to instance -> RDP client -> Get password Error: Password is not available. Please wait at least 4 minutes after launching an instance before trying to retrieve the auto-generated password

Still AWS system not showing the pem file paste box to generate the administrator password. AWS popup to wait for at least 4 minutes.
What should I do to get the admin password and connect to the instance?

asked 24 days ago344 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


  1. launch EC2 instance Windows OS
  2. Generate the Administrator password and complete the software configuration
  3. Create AMI
  4. Launch Multiple instances from AMI
  5. Download RDP from the Connect instance
  6. Use the Administrator password Step 1. to connect EC2

Note: In my case, the newly launched 4 instances were not showing the box to paste the private key and generate a password. Always AWS information display wait at least 4 minutes after launch

Good Luck

AWS can consider the scenario to fix HCI (Human Computer Interaction)- error.

answered 24 days ago
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reviewed 24 days ago

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