Couldn't add RDS to the Elastic Beanstalk environment


While I'm trying to add RDS to the Elastic Beanstalk I'm getting this error:

Creating security group failed Reason: Properties validation failed for resource AWSEBRDSDBSecurityGroup with message: #/SecurityGroupIngress: expected type: JSONArray, found: JSONObject

I tried several times, found some solutions on stackoverflow like adding AmazoneRDSServiceRolePolicy role and but all attempts were unsuccessful with the same error. I've also check the CloudFormation logs but it is the same error without any additional description.

Any ideas?

  • Can you share how you define SecurityGroupIngress in CloudFormation?

  • @alatech I didn't define anything in the CloudFormation, I've only used the Elastic Beanstalk UI but here is the definition and also it seems there is no RDS related definition at all.

asked 2 years ago352 views
2 Answers


Yes, it's the default CloudFormation template used by Elastic Beanstalk to create an associated RDS that seems to be the problem. I think this is a bug that should be fixed on the aws side, right? I mean we should be able to attach an RDS to the environment without having to fix the default CloudFormation template.


answered 2 years ago

I think you are dealing with key value pair data within your CloudFormation template. Since I do not have your template, I advise you to go through this blog post - which talks about several tweaks which can be used inside a CloudFormation template, specifically Ctrl + F for Use Dictionaries as Stack Parameter this might help you.

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answered 2 years ago
  • Actually, I didn't define or build any template in CloudFormation. I've just used Elastic Beanstalk Console. However, I've searched the generated template but everything seems okay about the link that you sent

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