Error uploading .vhdx file to S3 bucket - upload gets stuck at 82% consistently.


During a recent AWS BLUAGE L3 workshop task involving file transfers within the AppStream 2.0 environment, I encountered difficulty due to the apparent fullness of the D drive.

Following workshop guidelines, I had previously increased the size of the D drive to 5GB and confirmed this since I took some screenshots of this step for the restitution session. Upon further investigation, I discovered that the .vhdx file stored in the S3 bucket was limited to a maximum size of 1GB. Consequently, I adjusted again the .vhdx file's capacity to 5GB, intending to replace the current file in the S3 bucket.

I deleted the current file and proceeded to upload the new modified one, however, the upload process consistently gets stuck at 82%.

I tried uploading back the original file since I did a backup before deleting it from the bucket, but this upload gets stuck at 82% as well.

Any guidance or support you can provide to help me overcome this and resume the workshop would be greatly appreciated.

2 Answers

I assume you are trying to upload the vhdx file through the S3 Console. If so, you may be running into S3 Console timeout due to your connection speed or file size. Instead, use S3 CLI to perform the upload. The command you need is below.

aws s3 cp test.txt s3://mybucket/test2.txt - see CLI reference

You can also view a previous answer provided here.

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago
answered a month ago

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