When will EC2 hibernation be supported in Tel Aviv region?



I'm your first Israeli customer, since end of 2005 in another account (when EC2 was still beta!), and several years later in this account, and I was very happy to hear that there is finally an Israeli region.

Unfortunately, when I launched my first "Israeli" EC2 instance earlier today, I couldn't define it as "stop as hibernate", although I remembered to select "encryption" for the disk (BTW: In my humble opinion, you should allow hibernation even when the disk is not encrypted, because it's the customer problem and not yours, and a warning will be enough, but this is out of the scope...).

When will you support it in Israel too? I'm used to us-east-1 where it has been supported for years, and had no idea that it's region-dependent and not global. And BTW, is there a list of supported "hibernatable" regions, and a roadmap for the rest?

Thank you very much, Eli Marmor

asked 10 months ago217 views
1 Answer


It was mentioned in the document below.
However, I couldn't find a support roadmap.

Supported in all AWS Regions except Asia Pacific (Hyderabad), Asia Pacific (Melbourne), Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich), and Israel (Tel Aviv).

profile picture
answered 10 months ago
  • Thank you very much, it is an exact answer for the first half of my second question (re list of supported regions)! I guess you don't belong to Amazon (but an external expert), so I'll probably have to wait for an answer from an insider in order to know AWS plans for the future.

    I'll be grateful if anybody can answer when hibernating support will be added.

    Thanks again, Eli

  • Yes, I am not an AWS employee. If your AWS account has an enterprise support contract, please check with your TAM and they may be able to tell you.

  • Thanks again!

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