Procedure for getting mysql.flush_rewrite_rules removed


We're beginning the process of upgrading all of our RDS MySQL 5.7 instances to MySQL 8. As part of doing this, we've run in an issue where these databases all have a stored procedure defined, mysql.flush_rewrite_rules, that uses syntax incompatible with MySQL 8. Because it's in the mysql schema, I know we didn't put it there. It appears that in order to be able to upgrade these databases, the procedure in question needs to be dropped (or rewritten, but in our case dropped is fine). However, as these procedures are in the mysql schema, we can't drop them ourselves. I've seen from other re:Post questions that other people have been able to get the RDS internals team to drop the offending procedures for them, however, we're not able to open a technical support case on our support plan, so I'm not sure how we're supposed to proceed at this point.

asked 7 months ago209 views
2 Answers

In this specific scenario, I would recommend to open a support case under Basic support plan itself under "Account & Billing" inquiries, further it can be analyzed on use case basis if this can be further troubleshooted by the technical team.

Hope it helps and if it does, I would appreciate if answer can be accepted so that community can benefit for clarity when searching for similar enquirers in Repost, thank you ;)

answered 7 months ago

Here are a few things you can try to resolve the preupgrade check failure:

  • Review the upgradeFailure.log file closely to understand the specific error messages. This will help identify the root cause.
  • Check if the error is related to any database objects like stored procedures that may be incompatible with MySQL 8.0. You may need to drop or modify such objects before upgrading.
  • Take a backup of the database, restore to a test instance and run preupgrade checks there to isolate issues. Drop/recreate incompatible objects and test upgrade.
  • Open an AWS Support case. For RDS instances, support engineers may be able to further investigate internal issues and help resolve the failure.
  • As a last resort, try performing a DB snapshot and creating a new instance from the snapshot to get a clean state. Then attempt the upgrade.
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answered 6 months ago

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