pending on dedicated host for macos


Hello I am using mac1 using a dedicated host. But the Dedicated Host gets peded occasionally, resulting in the stopping of the ec2 instance. Any ideas why this is happening? This happens frequently. It's difficult to use macos.

asked a year ago679 views
1 Answer


There are a number of reasons your dedicated host may be going into the pending state. I would suggest reviewing the following article but if there are other events you can correlate to this via Cloudtrail or OS level logs, this may be helpful in determining the root cause.

From the article:

The Dedicated Host may enter the pending state due to a number of reasons. In case of an EC2 Mac instance, stopping or terminating a Mac instance initiates a scrubbing workflow of the underlying Dedicated Host, during which it enters the pending state. This scrubbing workflow includes tasks such as erasing the internal SSD, resetting NVRAM, and more, and it can take up to 50 minutes to complete. Additionally, adding or removing a Dedicated Host to or from a Resource Group can cause the Dedicated Host to go into the pending state. From the pending state, the Dedicated Host will reenter the available state.

If Dedicated Host Auto Recovery is enabled for your host, then AWS attempts to restart the instances currently running on a defect Dedicated Host on an automatically allocated replacement Dedicated Host without requiring your manual intervention. When host recovery is initiated, the AWS account owner is notified by email and by an AWS Health Dashboard event. A second notification is sent after the host recovery has been successfully completed. Initially, the replacement Dedicated Host is in the pending state. EC2 instances running on the defect dedicated Host remain in the impaired status throughout this process. For more information, see the Host Recovery documentation.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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