Code pipeline - automate testing - postman/newman


Hi ,

I have spring boot application , deployed on AWS Fargate and then automate test is being run. So the source provider is GITHUB and its stored as source artifacts in S3 as zipped folder.
I have integrated POSTMAN/NEWMAN in Code pipeline for test automation using Test stage and Code build.
The calls are success and report has been generated but as we all know , the report is put inside the ZIP file which is not accessible using S3 url.

Could you please advise

  1. I know we can't skip the zipping by code pipeline but is there way to unzip the file(which has random names)
  2. Whats the best approach if this is not correct approach please ?


asked 5 years ago682 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

I think the S3 deploy action will suit this purpose.

It's documented in this page:

And here's a tutorial:

You probably want to set the Extract option to unzip the artifact.

Let me know if this works! :)


AWS CodePipeline team

answered 5 years ago
profile picture
reviewed 6 months ago

Thanks.. that worked like a charm :)

answered 5 years ago

great :D

answered 5 years ago

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