TensorFlow for Trainium instances?



Is there more documentation/examples for TensorFlow on Trn1/Trn1n instances?

Documentation at: https://awsdocs-neuron.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/frameworks/tensorflow/index.html has docs/examples on TensorFlow for Inference (Inf1/Inf2) (but not for Training (Trn1/Trn1n).

For training only PyTorch seems available. Is this correct? Or more coming soon?


2 Answers
profile pictureAWS
answered 21 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 21 days ago
  • Thanks for answering! This particular version you refer to (2.9.1) explicitly says: "TensorFlow Neuron support for Training is coming soon." The current version 2.18.2 (aka latest as in my link above) doesn't say this explicitly anymore but lacks any link to docs/samples. Only for Inference, not for Training.



Inferentia and Trainium both run the same Neuron Core v2 architecture. The main difference between them is the device interconnects.

Despite the name, it may make sense to use a Trainium instance for inference, especially if you are using a larger model.

Anything you can do with TensorFlow on Inferentia you can do on Trainium with the same code.

However, most of our training examples are built around PyTorch or our NeuronX Distributed or Transformers-NeuronX libraries.


profile pictureAWS
answered 14 days ago

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