Using Oracle Spatial in RDS for Oracle for up to 10M ordinates


Need to set up Oracle Spatial in RDS to support over 1M ordinates… i.e. to grow up to 10M ordinates you need to run some commands/script… (and technically this isn’t available in RDS, wondering if there was any workaround (in RDS itself - without just going to RDS Custom)? -

asked a year ago331 views
1 Answer


This is not supported by default but it is not the customer cannot execute the scripts.

Linux: @$ORACLE_HOME/md/admin/sdoupggeom.sql

I guess it is the above command which needs to be executed to increase the ordinates to 10M. There are some considerations and restrictions which the customer need to understand first before they implement this. They also need to clearly have an overview and understanding of their data as well.

Please raise a support request with AWS RDS Oracle team. It will be investigated and guided from there.

If this answer has led to a solution, please approve the answer for the betterment of the community.

answered a year ago

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