How to Terminate Electric File System


Where specifically in the AWS Console can services such as Electric File System be terminated? Please be VERY specific since I cannot see anywhere on AWS console where it says "delete" or "terminate".

1 Answer
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answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago
  • Thanks for the quick reply. Context- I was notified that my free-tier is expiring and I have to terminate all resources to avoid unwanted charges. I don't have any active incidents, but when I check my account I see two 'active services' - CloudWatch and Electric File System, which I believe Amazon automatically added to support other services. While there has been no charges, it shows some usages. So I was trying to terminate these. The link you provided says deleting EFS is destructive. So, as long as I don't have active incidents (resources) should I just leave this as is? Thank you!!

  • ”deleting EFS is destructive” simply means that when you delete a EFS filesystem your data stored on it, is deleted can not be recovered (unless you have backup).

    If you want to avoid ALL costs, you should delete any EFS filesystems you have.

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