MSK instance size using CDK


According to the CDK documentation (, which is validated by my testing, the smallest broker instance type supported by CloudFormation or the CDK is kafka.m5.large. My use case does not warrant that large in size, and indeed, one can be created via the console of type kafka.t3.small. How can I create an MSK cluster of type kafka.t3.small via CF/CDK?

asked 2 years ago642 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi, it seems it's a documentation issue. I just used "kafka.t3.small" in a CloudFormation template and it created a cluster successfully. I already reported the problem.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

When I tried using the CDK, the cluster wouldn't stabilize and the deployment failed. I'll double check, but that seemed to be the problem.

answered 2 years ago

You're right, my mistake, my test worked this time. Thanks

answered 2 years ago

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