How to transform HTTP requests to Lambda events exactly as AWS API Gateway does as an HTTP proxy?


I'm developing a Lambda service behind an API Gateway as an HTTP proxy[1].

As the docs say, API Gateway basically transforms the HTTP request into a JSON Lambda Event.

In order to support the development process, I wonder if there is a library I could use to do that: transform an HTTP request into a JSON Lambda Event.

That way I could develop locally, wrapping my lambda implementation in a dummy web server whose work would be to transform and pass the event to my code.


1 Answer

I recommends that you use SAM CLI for local testing. Using SAM CLI you can invoke your functions locally using the sam local start-api command, that will start also a local API gateway and will invoke your code when you CURL the local end-point. You could also use sam local generate-event to create the event object that is used by API Gateway and use it when invoking the function directly using sam local invoke.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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