How to automate VirtualMachinesMetadataSync


We have an AWS Backup configured for VMware on AWS VMs. The backup is scheduled to happen everyday with the VMware tags.


In our case we have to manually click on Sync to pickup the new vms/tags. ( see attached screenshot). Is there a way to automate this task with Lambda? If yes please share the manual/detailed steps

Thanks in advance

1 Answer

I think it is possible by using "start_virtual_machines_metadata_sync".
If you create a Lambda using this API and set up a Cron to run daily on EventBridge, what you want to do may be accomplished.

import boto3

client = boto3.client('backup-gateway')
response = client.start_virtual_machines_metadata_sync(
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answered 2 years ago
  • Thank you for the response. Yes, I got this link while googling. But I'm looking for the step-by step to implement this. can you help me with this ?

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