Security Hub - pricing estimation



I would like to estimate prices for aws security hub, but I have some questions about it:

  1. What means Number Of Security Checks per Account?. How can I calculate that number?
  2. What means Number Of Finding Ingested per Account? How can I calculate that number?
  3. About AWS Config used by Security Hub, how can I calculate the Number of Configuration items recorded and Number of Config rule evaluations?

Thank you.

2 Answers

Hi Orlando, Security Hub includes a Free Tier of one month, the easiest way to estimate it's price it's to enable it and check after 15 days the price estimation .

It's important to note that AWS Config isn't included in this free trial, and to estimate it's cost you can check this blog That said, AWS Config usually isn't a significant cost.

answered 2 years ago

Hi Orlando, I believe your questions are related to estimating Security hub costs using AWS Pricing calculator. Security hub cost is based on the number of Security checks and the number of findings ingested.

  1. A security check is a process that evaluates whether the configuration of an AWS resource complies with a specific security control (Safeguard). Number of security checks depends on many factors that include the compliance standards enabled, number of AWS resources, the changes to the resources and the frequency at which security checks are performed.
  2. Finding is a security event that at is generated either by Security hub based of result of security check performed on your aws resources or security event detected by threat detection services such as AWS GuardDuty. Number of findings ingested depends on the number of security checks, the number of security detection services enabled and the number of security incidents detected by each of the detection service.
  3. You can find the config recorder costs based on usage of the AWS CloudTrail. Refer to blog, As suggested in previous answer, you can avail one time 30 day Security hub free trial to estimate costs.
answered 3 months ago

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