AWS CodeBuild update on AL2x86_64 Standard 3.0 Deprecation - Do I need to make any changes to my account?


I received the following email in my team's AWS accounts. I do not see any build projects in CodeBuild. Does this affect all recipients of the email? How can I tell if my AWS account is affected and that actions need to be taken?

AWS CodeBuild notified customers on March 2, 2023 that the Amazon Linux 2 standard 3.0 image [1] will be deprecated on March 30, 2023. We have since revised the decision and extended the deprecation date for the image to April 30, 2023. You may continue using the image for your builds after April 30, 2023, but you could see increased build latency. However, this image will not get any further updates. We recommend you to update your Build Projects to use the latest build images in order to get the latest language runtimes and tools. For a list of Docker images provided by CodeBuild, please refer to the CodeBuild documentation [2].

asked 2 years ago562 views
1 Answer

The above email notification suggests that the Amazon Linux 2 standard 3.0 image for AWS Codebuild is deprecating soon. Please note that generally, this email is rolled out only for the AWS accounts which may have this image provisioned as part of a Codebuild project.

To check further if a particular account is affected, you could navigate to the AWS Health Dashboard [1] where you can view the overall status of AWS services, and you can sign in to view personalized communications about your particular AWS account or organization.

Additionally, you could also view your build project's details using the 'batch-get-projects' AWS CLI command [2] where you would be able to observe the image used by a particular project. That being said, if you might be unaware about the images used by Codebuild, you could create a custom shell script by referring to documentation [3] which can enumerate the projects in the current region for the current account, and print the image used by each project.





answered 2 years ago
  • Which version should we use Amazon Linux 2 standard 4.0 image?

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