Pre token generation Lambda trigger - Unrecognizable lambda output



I followed the Node.js example explained here and I alway get the following exception on Cognito login. {"__type":"InvalidLambdaResponseException","message":"Unrecognizable lambda output"}

The only time it works is, if I call callback immediately without altering the event response

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    callback(null, event);

This example here (copy pasted from the guide) does not work and throws the mentioned exception "Unrecognizable lambda output". Even if I simplify it to this, it throws the same exception:

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    event.response = {
        "claimsOverrideDetails": {
            "claimsToAddOrOverride": {
                "attribute_key2": "attribute_value2",
                "attribute_key": "attribute_value"

    // Return to Amazon Cognito
    callback(null, event);

I also tried to stringily the event, not calling the callback but instead return the event, etc. Always the same result.

An idea anyone?

  • This probably doesn't help, but I had the same issue until I added a 'return event;' after the callback. The weird thing is that it now still works even when I take out the return line.

  • Thanks @rePost-User-7943174 I have tried your approach but I still got the same error.

    After calling callback(null, event) I added the statement return event but it lead to the same error

asked 2 years ago924 views
1 Answer

So finally I got it to work like this. Instead of overriding the whole response, I only overrode the event.response.claimsOverrideDetails:

exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
    event.response.claimsOverrideDetails = {
         "claimsToAddOrOverride": {
            "attribute_key2": "attribute_value2",
            "attribute_key": "attribute_value"

    return event
answered 2 years ago

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