Can't Sign-In when a device is forgotten in cognito user pool


I want to limit multiple session in my web and the best way I found is tracking the devices and forget the device when a new one sign-in but i found the forgotten devices can't sing-in again the reponse of sign-in is Device does not exist. I suppose when you forgot a device and you sign-in again cognito does not have any track of that device and should allow you to sign-in again.

How can solve this? Thanks!

asked a year ago300 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Jorge, there is another API call in UpdateDeviceStatus which seems it may doo something similar to what you are mentioning without a permanent removal of the device.

This call uses a "remembered | not_remembered" mechanism that may achieve what you are looking to do.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • The problem is when I forget a device, AdminListDevices does not return the device forgotten and AdminUpdateDeviceStatus returns "Device does not exist." message if I use the device key forgotten. I liked AdminForgetDevice because it logs out the device you want when you execute it and you don't have to handle a log out method. So it seems I have to handle this logic by my own side. Thanks by the way!

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