Hi Friends:

I'm not completely new to Route 53, but I am trying to figure out something I no longer remember how to do.

I am setting up a new FQDN as a hosted zone in a new AWS Route 53 setup. The domain was purchased by our CEO from Godaddy. I have changed GoDaddy's NS records to reflect the new NS records provided from Route 53. I have added the hosted zone in AWS. I am able to edit and create new records.

(We are using a Lightsail instance and I have it's public IP that I'm using in creating DNS records for new web services we are going to be running off this instance).

There is still one issue I don't know out to fix.

When I ping MYROOTDOMAIN.COM, I don't get an IP. I don't remember how to fix this in Route 53. I've used Route 53 previously with hosted zones where the domains were purchased elsewhere, but hosted at Route 53.

I just don't remember the proper way to have the IP for the root FQDN so that it is associated with my public IP of my lightsail instance.

I can create new A records that properly work (myname.MYROOTDOMAIN.COM A XX.XX.XX.XX) in resolving IPs to dns records.

So what I need to do is have MYROOTDOMAIN.COM be associated with my public IP. Our website will be used this way...not by www.MYROOTDOMAIN.COM. Just http://myrootdomain.com.

Can anyone help me with this? I just don't remember what I need to tweak in my Route 53 hosted zone file to ensure that this bit works.

asked 3 years ago299 views
2 Answers


I can see that you already have the A record for the root domain "MYROOTDOMAIN.COM" and it is also resolving successfully, Here is the output for that :


It means that domain is pointing to this IP and when I try to connect to the domain through ping I can see the same IP connected but the requests are timing out because traffic from my IP would not be allowed. For domain to point to IP you can simple create A record : [] Supported DNS record types - A record type - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/ResourceRecordTypes.html#AFormat


answered 3 years ago


I created an A record for my root domain. I thought I had to somehow create a @ record, but Route 53 does not list this as an option for a type of record. So instead I just created an A record with no host portion...just the domain (mydomain.com)

PS. If it wasnt' clear, I wasnt' making a record for myrootdomain.com. I was using that as a placeholder for the discussion example.

answered 3 years ago

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