GenASL Setup Issue


Hello! I am trying to set up the GenASL solution using the steps available on

Once I reach the step 2.b. which involves downloading the sign videos, segmenting them, and storing them in S3, I face the following error: Screenshot of Error

This happens when my code hits line 212 in the file. I have already ensured the correct installation of the FFmpeg tool on my EC2 instance as well.

Any tip(s) on how I can resolve this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

2 Answers

Consider modifying the call within the run_bash_cmd function by setting the shell parameter to True.

After this change, lines 221 and 222 of should appear as follows

def run_bash_cmd(cmd, dir=None):, shell=True, cwd=dir, capture_output=True, text=True)

answered 2 months ago
  • Hello, thanks for your response. I tried this, but still had the same issue. I have updated the original post with an image.


I apologize for the issue you're experiencing with the GenASL setup. Based on the error message, it appears that the system is unable to find a specific file during the video processing step. Here are some suggestions to help resolve this issue:

  1. Double-check that you have correctly cloned the entire GitHub repository for the GenASL project. Make sure all the necessary files and directories are present in your local environment.

  2. Verify that the file paths in the configuration files are correct and match your actual directory structure. The error suggests that the system is looking for files in a specific location, so ensure that the paths are accurately set for your EC2 instance.

  3. Confirm that you have the necessary permissions to access and modify files in the specified directories on your EC2 instance.

  4. Ensure that the dataset of sign videos has been properly downloaded and is accessible in the expected location on your EC2 instance.

  5. Check if there are any space characters in your file paths. Sometimes, spaces can cause issues with file handling in scripts. If possible, try using a path without spaces or enclose the paths in quotes in the configuration files.

  6. Review the script, particularly around line 212, to see if there are any hardcoded paths that might need to be adjusted for your specific setup.

  7. Make sure that your EC2 instance has sufficient storage space to accommodate the video files and processing requirements.

If these steps don't resolve the issue, you may need to debug the script further. Consider adding print statements or logging to track the file paths being used and ensure they align with your actual file structure.

Remember that the GenASL solution uses a Windows-based EC2 instance for video processing, so make sure you're using the correct operating system and have followed all the environment setup steps correctly.
GenASL: Generative AI-powered American Sign Language avatars | AWS Machine Learning Blog

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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