How to do request profiling end to end for a NodeJS micro service or application that uses Fargate as compute platform


I saw in the documentation that profiling is available for Python and Java in this documentation

Is there any other way to profile a request in a Fargate-based service/application?

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asked 11 days ago26 views
1 Answer

I apologize, but based on the information provided in the available sources, I cannot give a direct answer about profiling a NodeJS microservice or application running on AWS Fargate. The sources primarily discuss Amazon CodeGuru Profiler's support for Java and Python applications.

CodeGuru Profiler is indeed designed to work with Java and Python applications, as you mentioned. For Java applications, it can be integrated easily using command-line options without requiring recompilation. For Python applications, it supports Python 3.6 or later versions.

Unfortunately, there is no mention of native support for NodeJS applications in the provided information. The sources do not discuss any alternative profiling methods for Fargate-based services or applications outside of Java and Python.

If you need to profile a NodeJS application running on Fargate, you might need to explore other profiling tools or techniques that are compatible with NodeJS and can work in a containerized environment. However, these alternatives are not covered in the given sources.

For the most up-to-date and accurate information about profiling options for NodeJS applications on Fargate, I recommend checking the latest AWS documentation or contacting AWS support directly. They would be able to provide you with the most current information or suggest alternative approaches if available.
Enabling the agent from the command line - Amazon CodeGuru Profiler
Integrating with Python - Amazon CodeGuru Profiler
Profiling Distributed systems - Amazon CodeGuru Profiler

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answered 11 days ago

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